Procurement Support

Business Outcomes are the reason why organizations invest in solutions that support their initiatives.

Business Outcomes elevate the conversation between organizations and solution providers

Outcomes Work provides resources for all parties to make that possible.


Procurement Support for Organizations

Leaders of organizations who desire to conduct their solution procurements on a solid foundation of expected business outcomes can rely on the Outcomes Work Business Outcomes Framework to guide and inspire the determination of measurable business outcomes that support the vision, strategy and goals of their initiatives.

Our Business Outcomes Mapping Workshops accelerate and enrich the business outcomes planning process through powerful facilitation that fosters the rich stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and buy-in that is essential to their success.

The expected business outcomes can then be included as a section in the RFx for solution providers to review to gain an in-depth understanding of what is important, connect that understanding to their solutions, and convey their track record and ideas for supporting the attainment of those outcomes.

The result is an elevated conversation that focuses on what success really means — and how to get there together.

Procurement Support for Solution Providers

Solution provider teams that wish to lead with — or respond effectively to  — expected business outcomes can rely on the Outcomes Work Business Outcomes Framework to guide and inspire the in-depth connection of their solutions to the business outcomes that their markets and customers value.

Our Business Outcomes Mapping Workshops accelerate and enrich the process through powerful facilitation that fosters the deep discovery, collaboration, and mapping of their solutions to the business drivers and investment areas that drive overall business value for their customers.

The result is a deep, durable, and compelling set of differentiators that set the stage for dynamic conversations and successful proposals.

Important Note:  While Outcomes Work provides a variety of resources to solution providers, including outcomes mapping for specific sales opportunities, all such resources are made available in accordance with our Policies, Protocols and Procedures. Most significantly, procurements that incorporate the Outcomes Work Business Outcomes Framework will not require the purchase of any Outcomes Work resources by the potential bidders.

Procurement Support for Consultants

Outcomes Work is committed to supporting the essential work of solution consultants to ensure the success of buying organizations and solution partners.

Resources for your Business Outcomes Journey